My very first hare and copper fly in my vice
My first Hare and Copper Fly

The first of October is always an exciting day for anglers, as it marks the opening of a new fishing season. This year, it also coincided with the Southland Fly Fishing Club's committee meeting, which, as tradition holds, included a fly-tying session.

For me, it was an extra special day—it was my very first club meeting with the Southland Fly Fishing Club, and it also marked my debut in fly-tying. Under the guidance of Dave Harris, I attempted to tie my first hare and copper nymph. Watching Dave’s skillful hands, it all seemed deceptively easy, but when it was my turn, I wasn’t so sure I could pull it off.

After a slightly shaky start and a few moments of wondering if my eyesight was failing me (maybe the lighting didn’t help!), I finally managed to produce something vaguely resembling the right shape and colour. Admittedly, it looked like it had been through a few rounds with a fly swat, but hey—I had tied my first fly!

Upon inspection by Chris, he gave me a nod of approval, saying it wasn’t the worst first attempt he’d seen. I’ll take that as a win!

Rough around the edges as it was, the fly was mine, and I can’t wait for the moment when I tie it onto my line and (hopefully) catch a fish with it. That’s the plan, at least!

All in all, it was a fun experience, and there’s a certain satisfaction in knowing I might soon catch a fish with a fly I tied myself.

-- This Article was first published on and also submitted to the Southland Fly Fishing Club for inclusion in the October Newsletter.